An easy-to-use augmented reality platform that lets you create your own AR experiences. SMACAR Studio comes with a drag and drop interface and can be accessed through mobile, tablet or desktop. No coding skills required. Anyone from individuals to SMBs and enterprises can augment their printed content & objects by linking them to relevant digital assets and publish it to the SMACAR App or a customized app. Brands can use this tool to run, manage, analyze and track the user engagement and effectiveness of their AR campaigns.


SMACAR is a template based AR app that helps to blur the differences between physical and digital worlds. Turn your mobiles devices into AR devices and display real-world information in multiple pre-defined digital content formats: text, video, audio, 2D/3D graphics, animations; depending on the context of the target scanned by the user.


SMACAR’s Content Management System is a web-based content authoring tool that allows you to manage users & reward points, and monitor & track the performance of the Augmented Reality campaigns. It comes with an intuitive and user-friendly interface that keeps you informed with powerful real-time analytics. SMACAR’s CMS provides analytics on the number of markers uploaded, scans per marker, the location of the scan and device-related details used for the scanning the marker.

Our CMS allows you to reward users in many ways which help to drive conversions and encourage engagement. You can give away and manage credits, gift coupons or discounts as well as flat rate or percentage discount coupons that can be redeemed by the user offline as incentives for users. You can also create a fun user experience by gamifying the rewards using the CMS.